What is addiction?
As Mooney said, gambling is rooted in the"universal longing of mankind to know the cause of things and how effectsmay be controlled."
Gamblingaddictions should not be viewed as inherently evil or immoral, but as a diseaseof the spirit that uses pleasure to avoid pain. It is not that they are weakerthan most, for we are all caught in the cycle of pleasure and pain, but thattheir pain is more acute and their search for spirituality more urgent. In manyeastern philosophies, this dilemma is known as divine discontent, and as thenative gambling myths show, such malaise is a necessary step in the process ofbecoming spiritual. Society can try to exile or reform addictive gamblers but,ultimately, they must embark on their own vision quest that takes them deeperinto their traditional beliefs, and beyond. This is not to say that gamblersshould not suffer the consequences of their actions for, afterall, these arepart of the experiment to "know the cause of things and how effects can becontrolled."
Behavioral addiction is a compulsion to repeatedly engage in an actionuntil said action causes serious negative consequences to the person'sphysical, mental, social, and/or financial well-being.[4][5] Onesign that a behavior has become addictive is if it persists despite theseconsequences.
The type of behaviors which some people have identified as beingaddictive include gambling, food, sex, viewing of pornography, use of computers, playing video games, use of theinternet, work, exercise, spiritual obsession (as opposedto religious devotion), pain [6], cutting and shopping
Compulsive behaviors are rootedin a need to reduce tension caused by inner feelings that a person wants toavoid or control.[3] Compulsive behaviors are repetitiveand are often performed in a ritualistic manner.
These behaviors may involve sex,food, making excessive charitable contributions, gambling, spending, watchingtelevision, browsing web sites, reading, cleaning, washing, nicotine, caffeine,alcohol, or other drugs. The key point is that the activity is not connected tothe purpose it appears to be directed to, and is likely to be excessive.Examples could be a person who is afraid of bonding with a partner choosing tozone out with the TV, or a person who has never had enough love filling up on agallon of ice cream.[1
Dear Readers, please note that in the above definitions ofaddictive and compulsive behavior a whole gamut of activities is coveredrelated to our normal day to day living. Therefore, if you are on facebook, orinternet games or you tube or working out excel sheets 24*7 you can be classifiedas a computer addict; if you are praying and engaged in spiritual activitiesmost of your woken hours you are an addict of spiritualism. Yet, when we talkof addictions we think of alcohol, drugs or substance abuse and label it as criminalperhaps because it destroys lives. But please consider the consequences of theother addictions—doesn’t it take away from your life precious moments you couldotherwise use to engage in other more productive activities? Why then is it notconsidered criminal to sit and watch TV hours after hours when you could ratherbe talking or reading to a lonely soul you can befriend? Why have gadgets and mindlessactivities become the way of life?
CAUSES:The ROOT CAUSE OF ADDICTIONS DEVELOPING IN THE HUMANPSYCHE IS AN EMOTIONAL LACUNAE. You fill up your emptiness with attitude andattitudes drive you to fads, fashion and fantasy. There are many influencingfactors like peer pressure; availability of time, information and products; collectiveconsciousness veering towards such habits for eg, TV viewing, internetbrowsing; showbiz and media influences etc
SOLUTION:If you are an addict, be it any kind--drug addict,alcoholic, workaholic, shopaholics, spiritual highs, chat-cats, game-gangs, potato couches, sex maniacs and sex sirens ,food fanatics, emotional dependency and on and on and on…Just Relax! Don’t tryvery hard to quit. Focus on filling up the emotional emptiness in yourlives. LOVE CURES! AND THE ONLY LOVETHAT REALLY CURES EVERYTHING IS SELF LOVE. But the path to discovery of self love is verytricky. Before you find yourself you will go through a series of passionhunting trips, some momentary, some addicting. Yet, focus on finding yourself.