
Showing posts with the label doctor


Hi, I am your friendly neighbourhood doctor-woman. I administer no medicine, appropriate advise and loads of good-will and hope. My qualifications doesn't consist of a long list of dotted alphabets. I am just a simple family medicine consultant and I have the necessary certificate to show for it. Anyway, my role as a doctor here would be basically limited to advises that you can cross-check with your local doctor. I would provide the relevant information and arm you with the necessary questions to put to your "real doctor". To make it a little more clear I will list down my exact 'virtual doctor' services: 1. I post a blog a day on a medical topic open to discussion. I put in my insight about the disease, which is not researched or established by survey but perhaps, just a few suppositions, that may one day be proved true. I will not claim accuracy or refute challenges with any kind of animosity. Any questions are welcome to help me dig deeper into the