
Showing posts from 2017

The Doctor Me versus No-Doctor Me Debate

THE DOCTOR VERSUS NO-DOCTOR DEBATE Who is a doctor? Answer:ONE who sticks to rules of the profession Who is a No-doctor? Answer: One who doesnt stick to rules of the profession The difference between the two is obvious and I am proud to say that I am No-doctor. I dont stick to any rules. I cant. That is why I dont practise professionally. I'd rather be an artist, writer, actress, film-maker , philosopher, activist etc. and be the NO-DOCTOR ie the doctor who broke all rules and took her profession beyond accepted norms of being a doctor and being instead the rotten apple in the basket that made everyone question the health benefits of an apple in this insecticide driven agri-method of growing apples where global warming requires that apples be artificially ripened, where they have lost colour, taste and health benefits but still we want to teach kids that " AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY" If one were to examine that quote symbolically, we would know that...


The CANCER FAMILY I have tried to visit beauty parlours earlier on in life , in my mid 30s,  while I was still practising as a Family doctor to understand if a proper lymphatic massage could drain out the look of fatigue from face--the baggy under eyes, the droopy nasolabial folds, the swollen ends of the area just below the ends of eyebrows, the double chin, the squared shoulders with almost hump neck and a heavy upper half. Though my bone structure has always been heavy and strong but slowly as I lived my life in accumulated stress my body structure started leaning towards obesity and a haggard look. I wondered then if a good masseur can make the accumulated fat magically disappear with her expert hands. But I never found such lymphatic drainage treatments offered at the parlours: Back then I believed, as I had studied in college that the causes of cancer were: A GENETIC PRE-DISPOSITION CARCINOGENIC AGENTS LIKE SOME PAINTS& CHEMICALS ETC A STRESSFUL LIFESTY...