The Doctor Me versus No-Doctor Me Debate


Who is a doctor?

Answer:ONE who sticks to rules of the profession

Who is a No-doctor?

Answer: One who doesnt stick to rules of the profession

The difference between the two is obvious and I am proud to say that I am No-doctor. I dont stick to any rules. I cant. That is why I dont practise professionally. I'd rather be an artist, writer, actress, film-maker , philosopher, activist etc. and be the NO-DOCTOR ie the doctor who broke all rules and took her profession beyond accepted norms of being a doctor and being instead the rotten apple in the basket that made everyone question the health benefits of an apple in this insecticide driven agri-method of growing apples where global warming requires that apples be artificially ripened, where they have lost colour, taste and health benefits but still we want to teach kids that " AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY"

If one were to examine that quote symbolically, we would know that an apple is the symbolic fruit of sin or knowledge in the Garden of Eden with a serpent(doctor's symbol of strength and ethics) loietering around in the whereabouts to tempt us to eat that apple and the half-eaten apple signifies half understood knowledge. Not getting into gender issues let me say that--A good doctor will say to abide by the rules of the book and pray while he removes your discomforts with the serpent's medicinal poison; A No-Doctor will advise that you eat the apple anyway whether the serpent bites you or not since it was an unaduletrated, insecticide proof apple perhpas with desire quenching properties that keeps us off addictions etc. But the serpent tempts us to invite disease and compromise into our lives and keep the good apple away out of fear.

Symbolism aside, I am a No-doctor and will question the basic tenets of the medical world because when we study science, we are scientists ; we are only doctors when we are professionals. I will never practise medicine only with medicines, so that is an oxymoron of a statement that doctors understand as being a sign of a true moron.

The more I am medicated for this madness of mine, the more I am rebelling to keep my artistic streaks alive. How about a good doctor helping me find some artistic work to do, instead, that pays and keeps me supple and engaged with the society in a creative manner. That is the medicine I need which A GOOD DOCTOR CANT PROVIDE ME AND so I look elsewhere--in poetry, dance, sports, music, drama, films.


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