The Doctor Me versus No-Doctor Me Debate
THE DOCTOR VERSUS NO-DOCTOR DEBATE Who is a doctor? Answer:ONE who sticks to rules of the profession Who is a No-doctor? Answer: One who doesnt stick to rules of the profession The difference between the two is obvious and I am proud to say that I am No-doctor. I dont stick to any rules. I cant. That is why I dont practise professionally. I'd rather be an artist, writer, actress, film-maker , philosopher, activist etc. and be the NO-DOCTOR ie the doctor who broke all rules and took her profession beyond accepted norms of being a doctor and being instead the rotten apple in the basket that made everyone question the health benefits of an apple in this insecticide driven agri-method of growing apples where global warming requires that apples be artificially ripened, where they have lost colour, taste and health benefits but still we want to teach kids that " AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY" If one were to examine that quote symbolically, we would know that...